The Antizionist Jew who is embarrassed that Israel acts to protect itself, who denies Israel's right to exist, and who acts to help destroy Israel performs an intuitive survival strategy that works only for the individual. The "good" antizionist (and antisemitic) Jew who helps destroy other Jews is tolerated, sometimes accepted, and sometimes even lauded and advanced by the antisemite. Antizionism, for the Jew, is a strategy to procure personal safety at the expense of the rest of their group, and most likely the antizionist Jew isn't even conscious enough to realize that is what they are doing. Behind this antizionism is a deep fear and a willingness to betray anyone to be safe. Now, granted, a Jew needs to do a massive amount of self-education in Jewish, Israeli and Palestinian history to find out the real story, and if they are not curious enough to make the effort, it is likely that their idea of Israel and The Jews will legitimately be the Ultimate Evil they are indoctrinated about in schools, in the streets, and in the media. Because they have internalized and repeat the antisemitic tropes that are everywhere, these "as a Jews" become precious useful idiots, foot soldiers in the pursuit of the elimination of world Jewry. It comes down to the breakdown of community and the tension between the safety of the individual vs the safety of the group.

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“What shall we do with Haman” made me audibly laugh on the subway. I find it fascinating that the antizionist Jews always seem to take issue with the elements of the Jewish narrative that are specifically ascribed to the G-d of Israel and not the people of Israel. Haman was hung by the King of Persia and Pharoahs army was destroyed by a flood. It’s not like the Jewish people voted for these things in a committee. I’m not sure what to make of that, but it’s interesting to think about.

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Anti-zionist Jews "wish the best for everyone" and genocide and ethnic cleansing for the 7.2 million Jews of Israel, the biggest community of Jews in the world. That's not "the best for everyone" by any measure. They're nothing more than token Jews for the most violently antisemitic people in the current moment, mainly Islamists, the Palestinians and the far left, and they proudly carry out their one function, which is to attempt and Jew-wash this anti-Jewish racism in their camp.

They're not fooling anyone. The only people who describe them as "Jewish peace activists" are anti-Jewish Hamas supporters in legacy media. Nobody else, especially Jews, think that most of these people Jews (the upside down Hagada of the encampments and not wanting to use Hebrew shows they aren't Jews) or that they're "for peace". They're Jewish-haters for Genocide.

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Love this

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Amazing as always. I learn so much from you and always look forward to your next article.

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Dayum thank you.

I wrote about this myself and I'm so grateful to have come across this piece. It really ties things all together really neatly, much appreciated Amelia.

Here's a quick one I originally had published 6 years ago that I reckon kind of sets the state for a lot of what's gone on:


And here's a heaps longer essay that I started shortly after October 7, which takes a bit more of a psychological look at why people are so driven towards antizionism and antisemitism today:


Hoping these compliment this fantastic piece in one way or another, and thanks again for putting pen to paper!

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