
Thank you so much!!!! Really appreciate it 💙💙

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this is incredible it should be required reading before anyone opens a social media app

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Thank you so much!!

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May 13Liked by Amelia Adams

I think this is symptomatic of a society in crisis. Many people have compared the pro pal movement to a cult, and cults take advantage of vulnerable people. Young people are lonely, alienated and purposeless, and they’re losing faith in democracy. That’s a perfect situation for radicalization.

Despite being the second largest religion in the world, Islam is seen in progressive spaces as anti-establishment. Converting to Islam, in this scenario, is the ultimate act of rebellion against a failed system. Now, I’m not against anyone converting, I myself am converting to Judaism. But the people adopting Islam over protests and tiktok hashtags don’t really strike me as being on a genuine spiritual journey. Even more bizarrely, you see progressive atheists who take on the aesthetic of Islam even without the faith. I think anyone with two eyes can see that islamophobia is a real problem, but the way progressives are compensating for it is insane. As you’ve pointed out, it sounds like a conspiracy theory.

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I think it’s also an identity crisis. Individuality and heritage are valued more than anything. And some people don’t have a strong one to attach themselves to and that has to hurt, so who better to attack then the Jews who are 3000 years old. Like years of making fun of white people for having no culture has also resulted in this in part, more or less but not that simple

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May 13Liked by Amelia Adams

Amazing as always. I actually bought the book woke army it's so interesting. You and rootmetals are a treasure for me. As a non jew I've learned so much and very much support my Jewish friends and really appreciate the work both of u do. I look forward to your next article.

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May 13Liked by Amelia Adams

Incredible piece Amelia.

As someone who remembers the day they were white-guilt-tripped right into the social justice movement and became somewhat insufferable for years and honestly have only just started to pull myself out of it (I still consider myself very liberal but I do not feel like i have a political space left for me), I can say that the left really does act like a cult and it's INCREDIBLY TRAUMATIC. There's no room to breathe or make mistakes or have nuanced conversations or different ideas. The threat of ostracization is so palpable and it "keeps you in line". Therefore there's this urge to keep "performing" for your peers and you better do everything they think is right.

I remember all through trying to figure out what the right thing to do was after Black Lives Matter kicked off I just felt so confused and I was being told to do so many contradicting things. And hey, I'm all for letting the oppressed be the experts on their own oppression (Jewish people don't get to do that though now so they). But I felt like I wasn't even allowed to be confused.

I think this is definitely a symptom of what other commenters have said, a deep identity crisis. I think the social justice movement falsely teaching us that white supremacy is the root of all problems everywhere + all that white guilt + the fear of ostracization combined with the insidiousness of the Muslim Brotherhood's mission was just the perfect, awful recipe for where we are now. It's shocking to me every day how disgusting some of these people are behaving, but when I look at all that led to it I am not surprised. That dart thrower was not blindfolded. They knew exactly where they were aiming and they hit the target perfectly.

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May 14Liked by Amelia Adams

all of this. I left ig after October 7th due to the insane things I was seeing in my very progressive bubble. Followed all the bad actors. Shared some. October 7th highlighted the very real hatred for Jewish people and the state of isreal. I am not Jewish but seeing the left act like they have really did upset and shake me. Identity politics is out of control and I'm very sick of this oppressed and oppressors. I made a comment on a pro Palestine post about hamas being terrorists and Israel having a right to exist. Someone responded comparing me to a nazi. No room for any discussion.

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Yeah I don't blame you. It's insane on there. It's also hard to tell who's a bot or plant and who's just a regular jacka**. I generally don't have the energy to engage with them either way. I'm not Jewish either but soon after Oct 7th I started to educate myself via Rootsmetal's posts (I honestly just didn't know enough about I/P to have any opinion but seeing all the antisemitism online seemed really telling that something wasn't adding up) and the rest is history. I owe so much to the Jewish educators who put so much time and energy into what they do and I'm proud to call myself a Zionist and to know that I am on the right side of history.

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Yes! Rootmetals is amazing

I did her class.

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Oh that's awesome.

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May 14Liked by Amelia Adams


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Just visited UC-Davis' encampment and that experience would support all of what you wrote. We are in such trouble...

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Amazing article. I do think it’s missing the ancient antisemitism at the root of the success of this plot.

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Yes to all of the above.

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This is really, really incredible. Thanks, Amelia.

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This is brilliant @ameliaadams. Thank you for writing this. BTW, one of the most important pieces of journalism ever produced documents Israeli reporter Zvi Yehezkeli going undercover as "a TV crew from Palestine" to interview their Muslim brothers throughout Europe. (Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2eqdgSBEkI

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You mentioned the NYC branch in TA. Any idea what's the statue with Cornell Tech in Roosevelt Island these days?

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It seems like there are several things going for the Islamists:

1. The dopamine hits from the rescue game: https://archdruidmirror.blogspot.com/2017/06/american-narratives-rescue-game.html. They have competition for this, but seeing Jews as oppressors feels especially good for many. Maybe it feels bad but compelling to jewish wokesters, if they hold Israel to a higher standard than everyone else.

2. Offering a critique of western civ. They have competition for this too: primitivists, luddites, communists.

3. Offering a vision of a more integrated society than is currently possible under western capitalism. Integration=communion, identity and safety. You just give up some freedom in exchange, seems worth it to many? China and Russia are competitors for this.

There's probably something better than all of this, that is also better than western civ.

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